Monday, June 16, 2008

Gall Bladder Surgery - Do I know how to live or WHAT???

So, I won't go into the details about the "attacks," the multiple "tests" and the other unpleasantnesses surrounding my gall bladder and it's defective behavior. But the good news is it is OUT! I had laproscopic surgery on June 6th. It went very well and there were no complications.

The only bad part was that several days before the surgery I contracted a sinus infection. (or created one? I'm not sure how it happens.) I blamed my symptoms as being a "cold" and decided to not tell any of the medical staff that I had a slight fever, swollen glands, and a sore throat that really was bugging me the morning of the surgery. They never really asked me straight out how I felt and I can't help it if they don't ask about a fever, right? Plus, I didn't want this surgery to be delayed...

Luckily my mom flew in for the surgery so she was there to take care of me. It was so great to have her! I don't care what anyone says, when you are sick - at any age - there is nothing like having your mom around! She was a saint to me and I frankly don't deserve her!!

Anyway, the sinus infection got worse after the surgery - then more worse...and on top of the pain from the surgery, I was REALLY miserable on the following Monday. I finally decided to go to Instacare and they put me on antibiotics and some additional drugs.

It took another 5 days to feel human again.

The whole experience was supposed to be just about the surgery but it turned out to be totally different. Isn't that just life? I had big plans for my recovery period (a week off from work) - reading, labeling pictures, other silly little projects that can be done on a couch). Yeah, those went out the window FAST!

Oh well! The good news is that the gall bladder is gone with the wind - and the sinus infection is also gone. The wounds are healing up nicely and I go back to work tomorrow. (yeah, I'm not that excited). But now I can go on my merry little way sans gall bladder....

Want to see the gross bruised belly button? I thought you did....
This is 3 days after the surgery. For some crazy reason, they use the belly button as one of the "holes". I understand holes are for: the camera, the laser (to cut) and other fun instruments of destruction. It was one good time!!


ewesa said...

My theory about the bellybutton, and I have always felt rather strongly about this, is that after the whole birth canal experience it is out of commission. Nothing should go into or out of the bellybutton. Especially pokey or sharp things. You are a survivor. I commend you. And love that you have a blog!

Elizabeth said...

So glad your recovery went smoothy and so forth. Youch about the addition of a sinus infection on top of surgery. As I have told Sam time and time again ... you are a trooper! And I love that you blog. I always need a dose a Dan.

Unknown said...

Nice belly button photo! I just said goodbye to my breakfast. Shouldn't there be some kind of warning label as to the graphic nature of your blog?? There are children on the interenet you know!!

BatMom said...

we still love what is left of your guts, but GROSS MAN!

Jules said...

Yikes! That looks painful! Glad it went off without a hitch...well, except for the sinus infection, bruising, etc. :-)

ashley. said...

I had my laparoscopy a year and four days ago ... and I am so glad yours went better (minus the sinus infection, ew) than mine! We have matching belly buttons now! How sweet!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm having my gallbladder out Thursday, I could have lived without the belly button photo....yikes!!!

Unknown said...

I also have a sinus infection immediately after gallbladder removal. I am on antibiotics because the belly button incision seemed to be visibly infected (although nothing as vivid as your picture). I am wondering if you were incredibly disoriented due to the sinus infection. I have not taking the pain medication since the 2nd day but I am still incredibly disoriented on the 4th day.