Friday, July 4, 2008

Arts Festival Tradition

One of my favorite activities in the summertime is to go to the Utah Arts Festival at Library Square downtown. I have some really great memories from past festivals (I love Neil Diamond cover-bands!!) and it seems wrong to not go if I can. I think I've only missed a couple of times since I moved to Salt Lake in 1997.

The group consisted of Me, Dona, Alexis, Lynn, Diana, Marianne and some new people, Sarah and Inga. I warned Lynn that he would be heavily outnumbered in females. He said he preferred the odds in his favor.

This year we were blessed with the parking spot of the year! (GO DONA!) Dona snatched a fabulous spot literally 150 feet from the entrance - after we remembered to pick up some free tickets from Sacha! (THANKS SACHA!)

Ok, so let's get the bad news out of the way...the food - although fabulous - SO overpriced! And the crowds are getting to be a bit much. Doing a big group - like we did last weekend - just gets harder and harder because there are a million people moving around! You definitely have to be in the mood for a crowd if you are to enjoy the experience. And a really easygoing group. Luckily we did!

Now to the great news! Oh my, the people watching gets better and better! I will forever remember the conversation with Lynn concerning women in "barrel dresses" (he's not a believer). Being among so many diverse people reminds me of home in California and helps me remember to look beyond myself. There are all sorts of fantastic people - in all shapes and sizes! And it's good to mill around with them for an evening...

The Earth Harp was AMAZING!! It consisted of HUGE wires that they attach to architecture or nature and play amazing music with. This time they attached the wires to the outside of the Library. This is a picture of their performance but it just doesn't give it justice. If you are curious, check out this short little montage about it from our local newspaper: Earth Harp

I bought a fabulous corn dog (for $4 it had better be fabulous!!) and shared some of Lynn's really tasty homemade huge french fries with fry sauce. Ok, I bought the corn dog to go with the fries...and finished with a strawberry banana smoothie. Mmmmm!

We wandered around a bit and saw some amazing art along with some not so amazing's all on the eye of the beholder, huh? But one exhibit was a wall of post it notes that had to contain 6 words to create some poetry. They had some really creative ones as well as hilarious ones. The one that struck us most was the "What if happiness is right now?" It's a great reminder to seize life and appreciate it to it's fullest...I've included a picture of some of the others...
After mingling around and such, we found a spot at one of the stages and saw the Disco Drippers. After about 20 minutes, I remembered I didn't like disco...but it was fun to see a live band for a while...
It was a great time though! The weather was beautiful and the sights and sounds intriguing and we left for the night I tried to take a picture of me Dona, and Lex. You can see Dona was
being difficult by not getting in the picture!!! In the end a kind stranger helped us out!!

You've got to love people!


BatMom said...

what the heck is a barrell dress?

ewesa said...

fun times! my mouth is watering for the elusive $4 corndog. I'm not kidding. sometimes those things hit the spot. great reporting on the art's fest!